
Great post! You will have to give the answer to the 9th fav band!!! IIRC, that was a snarky throway line, but I can't remember which show? Puts me in mind of WKRP in Cincinnati or the A team (hows that for diversity!)

On another note the speed of the rotation. I think it comes down to how quickly big money processes & *accepts* that the cyclical shift to value is happening. And i think that depends on whether Big $ believes in the post covid rebound over next 5-10 years. Build back better & Green power revolution both need materials. And lots of them. negative oil in 2020 told me all I need to know about a cyclical bottom :)

Finally, can you offer thoughts on what happened with Archegos Capital this week? After MC getting blown up by $GME, I am a little on edge with system risk concerns w/ counter parties getting taken out & shot and cascade effects on the G-SIBS. Seems to me risk isn't being properly appreciated here.

best wishes,


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