Dear Trader Jay.... Longtime reader, first time commenter. Those of us who’ve attended a few rodeos have seen this before. Only the names of the stocks change. And it never ends well. Ever. By the way, for the umpteenth time, I now own an iPhone.

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There’s always something. I recall a time a certain financial news network had a guest named Dan Dorfman on during the trading day regularly. Traders would speculate about what stocks he’d discuss before his appearance. Crowds would stalk certain areas of the floor. As a young clerk I was “Dorfed” two times. Craziness ensued. Today we are getting Dorfed regularly and in all sorts of new and creative ways.

Oh and congrats on your iPhone. The 6S is assume?

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Jay Woods bringing the Goods! Doug from HoHoKus would be proud! Greetings from your fellow FU Ram and former Walsh Hall roommate! I will mash that subscribe button and follow along on your new adventure. Best of Luck! Pat

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